SLSA Guest Policy
The use of the facilities and ranges by guests is restricted and strictly limited.
- A Member may host no more than Two (2) Guests per visit.
- Guests are permitted on the ranges only on SATURDAY and SUNDAY. Check in with the RSO on duty.
- Guests must be eighteen (18) years or older. No minor may qualify as a Guest.
- Each Guest must read, date, sign and deposit the “Release of Liability” Form provided.
- Each Guest must pay a range fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00).
- The Hosting Member must remain with his/her Guest(s) and ensure strict compliance with all Operating Procedures and Range Rules.
- All Guests must wear a Guest I.D. Badge while on either the rifle or pistol ranges.
- A person may use the ranges as a Guest only one (1) time; subsequent use requires membership to SLSA
Exceptions to the Guest Policy will be considered on a case by case basis. For Weekday guests or further exceptions to the current guest policy, please contact at least 48 hours before your planned visit to the range.