High Power Rifle

One of the oldest shooting games in the U.S., High Power got it’s start at the old Creedmoor range around the turn of the century, and has been going on at Camp Perry for generations.

Matches are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month.
Sign up begins at 8:30 am and the match begins at 9:00 am.

We shoot the 50 round National Championship course, which consists of:

  • 10 rounds slow fire standing
  • 10 rounds rapid fire sitting or kneeling
  • 10 rounds rapid fire prone
  • 20 rounds slow prone.

The match is open to any centerfire rifle with iron sights capable of firing 10 rounds in 60 seconds with a reload.

We have two divisions for scoring:
Service Rifle — any military rifle (preferably US) with original issue-type sights
Match Rifle — anything else

After that match we also shoot a 40 round prone match for 22’s, iron and scope sighted.

Match fees are:
$7.00 for High Power
$3.00 for 22’s (exact change is appreciated.)

SLSA High Power Results — January 11, 2025

Off-HandRapid SittingRapid ProneSlow ProneTotal Score
Ron W.87,0x 100,4x 99,3x 195,5x 481,12x
John G.95,1x 97,1x 96,1x 188,2x 476,5x
Steve D. 75,1x 93,1x 90,0x 184,3x 442,5x

22 Prone Match Results — No Match

Please note, non SLSA members can shoot two matches as my guest. After two matches, please join SLSA. Check out the SLSA web page for membership details at Contact me if you have any questions.
We need more members to continue our matches. Please consider joining.

Thanks to all!!

John G.
Match Director

Steve D.
Assistant Director